Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR): Bank of Italy published instructions for the reporting agents in the Circular No. 312
Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR): Bank of Italy published instructions for the reporting agents in the Circular No. 312
Daily statistical information relating to money market transactions is collected on the basis of Circular 312. The Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR) provides information on the secured, unsecured, foreign exchange swap (FX swaps) and overnight index swap (OIS) euro money market segments. The dataset consists of transaction-by-transaction data about operations that reporting agents have with selected counterparties. The reporting agents report on a consolidated basis, including for all their Union and EFTA-located branches daily statistical information relating to money market instruments denominated in euro.
The data collection supports also the request of information based on Regulation (EU) No 1333/2014 (MMSR Regulation), which entered into force on 1 January 2015.
In this context, a sample of euro area reporting agents report to the European Central Bank (ECB) or the relevant national central bank (NCB) statistical money market data covering the four money market segments.
Reporting agents
Reporting agents are banks intermediaries resident in Italy. The list of these agents may be updated periodically and it is available on the ECB website.
Bank of Italy may extend the reporting obligation to other banks (“additional reporting agents”).
Sending frequency and deadlines
Data collected from reporting agents have to be transmitted once per day to the ECB between 6 p.m. CET on the trade date and 6 a.m. CET on the first TARGET2 settlement day after the trade date.
If a deadline referred to in paragraph 1 or 2 falls on a TARGET2 closing day, the deadline shall be extended to the following TARGET2 operating day, as announced on the ECB’s website.
The technical procedures for the MMSR Reporting and data quality
The intermediaries use the internet to send the MMSR Reporting. The general criteria and the technical procedures for the reporting sending are available on the official website of Bank of Italy.
It has been defined a specific survey for each market segment:
- Secured Segment: Survey MMSE
- Unsecured Segment: Survey MMNS
- Foreign Exchange Swaps Segment: Survey MMFX
- Overnight Index Swaps (OIS) Segment: Survey MMOS
The responsibility of the reporting
The Legals Representative are responsible for the correctness of the Reporting to send to the Bank of Italy
and the office manager will deal with reportings and/or Treasurer.
The reporting agents have to send to the Bank of the Italy a PEC mail, signed by the Legals Representative, with the list of the contacts of the referents for the reportings.
Access to platform for data collection for MMSR, managed by the EBC
The European Central Bank (ECB) allows the reporting agents to access to platform for data collection defined MMSR Transactional Module (MMSR TM).
The access is via the credentials given by the reporting agents and it allows to consult own transitions transmitted to the Bank of the Italy and forwarded to ECB.
Read or download here:
Circular No. 312 – Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR): instructions for the reporting agents