SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

UCAMP reporting – Free4Ucamp

The Central Means of Payment Antifraud Office (UCAMP) was set up at the Department of the Treasury, on the basis of the Ministerial Decree of 5 July 2012 of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. UCAMP is part of Directorate V – “Prevention of the use of the financial system for illegal purposes” and is charged with carrying out monitoring of counterfeiting of the euro, preventing fraudulent use of payment instruments and instruments designated for the disbursement of consumer credit, and carrying out specialised training activity at a national and international level in the areas of its responsibility. With the entry into effect of Law no. 166/2005 of 17 August 2005 (containing provisions for the “Institution of a system of payment card fraud prevention”), UCAMP acquired a key administrative role in the prevention of fraud within the sector. Later, Implementation Regulations no. 112/2007 precisely defined UCAMP’s organisation and responsibilities. As provided by law, UCAMP makes use of qualified personnel of the tax police (Guardia di Finanza), who functionally report to UCAMP’s Director. (from )


Free4Ucamp system can collect the needed data in a single archive in order to generate the information flows towards Bank of Italy’s UCAMP and towards further receivers inside or outside the reporting institutions.