SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

Central Credit Register reporting

SEFIN has developped E.R.M.E.S., the web software that meet the requirements of monthly reporting to the Central Credit Register and the management of messages to and from the Bank of Italy.

SEFIN manage all the activities for the certification and registration to the new A2A internet application (previous R.N.I.)

The Central Credit Register service

Amounts management

  • A monthly report of amounts over the threshold
  • Evidence of subjects under the threshold
  • File diagnostics
  • Return flows management
  • Management of statistics flows and loan impairment flows
  • Automatic data control and balancing phases
  • Possibility to manually modify data before the monthly dispatch
  • Regulatory adaptations and updates transparent to the user
  • Analysis of performance positions and client score
  • Evidence of non-performing loans, for the company, for the system and vice versa.
  • Management of the crediting process registration to the A2A internet application

Record management

    • Centralized record management (Anacen)
    • Central Credit Register record management
    • Management of messages (MSG) and communications (COM)
    • Message receipt/communication dispatch phases
    • Return flows management
    • Automatic request for the “First Information”
  • Automatic processing of specific types of communication
  • Report of evidence on records (blocked, processed, etc.)
  • Return flows from AnaCen (centralised register) with data supplemented by Banca d’Italia so as to allow a counter update of the records present in the client management system


The A2A application managing service

In its letter of 30 September 2016, Bank of Italy announced the replacement of the transmission channel for the information exchange of the Central Credit Register (CR) and the Subjects Register (AS).

On 18 January 2017 the Supervisory Authority published the “Guide to migration from the Interbank National Network to Internet” which contains the technical-operational instructions for the new information exchange system plant.


The CR team is also able to manage the new “Anacredit” reporting activity for the Italian branch of foreign banks.