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Anti-money laundering: The FIU introduces “causali sul contante” for the Suspicious Transaction Reports and the Threshold-based Communications

New “causali” on cash withdrawal and deposit

On Infostat-UIF website are available two new domain’s value for the transactions of cash withdrawal and deposit:

  • “causale DP” – cash deposit “segno Avere”
  • “causale DQ” – cash withdrawal “segno Dare”

These “causali” have already been included in “Disposizioni per la conservazione e la messa a disposizione dei documenti, dei dati e delle informazioni” and they can be used for the compilation of the variables “Tipologia delle operazioni” of the Suspicious Transaction Reports and “Causale analitica” of the Threshold-based Communications.

Regarding the Threshold-based Communications, the transactions communicated with the new “causali” will have to report at least one account holder.

Supervision on cash withdrawal and deposit by other subjects

The introduction of these “causali” allows the supervision on cash withdrawal and deposit by other subjects more accurate: for the transactions “D1 – Versamento di contante” e “52 – Prelevamento di contante”, the inclusion of subject “esecutore” will be obligatory.

The new supervision will be operational for the Threshold-based Communications submitted from 1st April 2021.


Read or download here:

– The FIU’s Communication – 8th March 2021

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