SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

Information on the processing of data regarding the representatives of the banking and financial intermediaries

The Bank of Italy will carry out the personal data processing related to the banking and financial intermediaries and collected during the supervisory reporting.

The processing of this data is necessary for the banking and financial supervisory reporting, such as:

  • checking compliance with the requirements by the representatives of the banking and financial intermediaries;
  • analysing the business situation;
  • checking compliance with the requirements by the representatives of OAM and OCM.

The Supervisory Authority can make the treatment of this data thanks to supervisory rules established at national and international level:

  • 26 of TUB, art. 111, art. 112 bis, art. 128 undecies, l’art. 51 of Consolidated Law on Finance, art. 108, art. 114 quinquies.2, art. 114 quaterdecies;
  • 13 and art. 6 bis of Consolidated Law on Finance.

The data are processed through appropriate IT procedures to guarantee the respect and security of personal data.

The data can be communicate to these entities:

  • State Administration;
  • Foreign government;
  • Legal authorities;
  • ECB;
  • Antitrust Authority;
  • IVASS;
  • COVIP;
  • Other entities and Italian and foreign authorities with supervisory functions;
  • Foreign FIU;
  • National and international assurance systems.

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Information on the processing of data regarding the representatives of the banking and financial intermediaries