SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

New Regulation with regard to the administrative procedures and generalized access rights

The Regulation pertaining to the identification of the terms and organizational of units responsible for the administrative procedures and procedural stages under the responsibility of the Bank of Italy and the Italian Financial Information authority, was published in the Official Gazette no. 189 of August 9th 2021, (to visit the documentation, access here).

The Bank of Italy and UIF administrative procedures are regulated in specific lists indicating the stages of the procedure, the terms, the regulatory sources, and the organizational units responsible for the investigation.

The Regulations and all related detailed documentation are published in the Bank of Italy website subsection entitled “Administrative procedures”, and can be consulted by clicking on the following link.

In the case of proceedings relating to banking and financial supervisory functions, the recipients of the proceedings are also explained (subsection “Directorate resolutions regarding the granting of proxies”).

As for the List of administrative proceedings and procedural stages of the Italian financial intelligence authority, refer to the following documentation.

Civic Access

The access is enabled anyone, according to the law n° 33/2013, in compliance with the exceptions and the limits related to the protection of public and private interests to request documents and information.

The instance of civic access is free and it has to be submitted via PEC mail to or through the channels in section “Contacts” on the Bank of Italy website.

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