SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

The FIU’s Communication: prevention of financial crimes during the COVID-19 emergency

The FIU updates the Communication of 16th April 2020 highlighting same risk factors of illegal operations discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The recognition of tax deductions is accompanied by the possibility to give in the related tax credits to facilitate monetization.

In connection with these credits, it is necessary to consider the risks related to:

  1. The false nature of the same credits
  2. The presence of dealers of the credits
  3. The illegal financial asset by subjects without authorization

It is essential to monitor the operation of those who request the access to the straight grants, the funding  covered by public guarantee and other benefits regulated by legislative measures are accessible to face the crisis.

In addition to what indicated in the last Communication, it has to be considered:

  1. The profile of those who the application for admission to benefits
  2. The reluctance to provide unreliable data
  3. The presence of anomalies in the submission
  4. The existence of connections with Countries or geographical areas at high risk

The FIU highlights along with online transactions, it is necessary to consider the transactions made by “Advanced ATM”, the payment instrument based on app mobile and the transactions allowed by modern business model of intermediares without interaction with the client.

Regarding the increase of unlawful conduct on the gaming and gambling sector, especially online, the use of tools could be relevant for significant amounts by payment cards registered to exhibitors or their family members related to unlawful conduct.

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The FIU’s Communication – COVID-19 emergency


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