SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

Aggregated Anti-Money Laundering Reports – S.AR.A.

S.AR.A is the integrated module of ARCWEB necessary to send the Aggregated Anti-Money Laundering Reports, as required by art. 33 of Legislative Decree 231/2007, amended with the FIU (Financial Intelligence Unite of the Bank of Italy) Provision of the 25th  August 2020; this article requires banks and other financial intermediaries to transmit monthly the aggregate data concerning their operations necessary for national sector surveys to the FIU.

S.AR.A reports must be sent, on a monthly basis, using the functions available on the Infostat-UIF portal by the second day of the third month following the reference month of the reported operations. Example: the S.ARA report of January 2020 is to send no later than the 2nd of April 2020.

All the obligated subjects (see art.2 of the Provision) must therefore register on the Infostat-UIF portal, within 30 days from the date of their activity beginning.

The S.AR.A form, following the accumulation offered and registered in ARCWEB, collects data from ARCWEB and consequently generates the report in xml format to upload in a devoted portal.

The main module features are:

  • the collection of the data recorded in the Standardized Archive already integrated via ARCWEB, or from external flows with Standard Standardized Archive format;
  • monitoring of reports completion;
  • performance related comparison of information;
  • interactive correction support;
  • repetition of data from the previous monthly report.