SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

Anti-Money Laundering Questionnaire to define the customer risk profile

Customer risk profileAML Profile is the anti-money laundering questionnaire that allows you to define the risk profile of money laundering and terrorist financing of customers using both quantitative and qualitative parameters.

In order to correctly fulfill the anti-money laundering obligations, AML PROFILE allows the collection and historicization of information other than that already requested during the registry census and its management through specific analysis models, drawn up together with the customer, which can be differentiated by example based on the specific needs of the intermediary, the peculiarity of the activity carried out by the intermediary, the segmentation of customers and the products offered by the intermediary.

It is possible to customize the questions, the scores associated with the answers, the ranges of the scores assigned to each risk band, link events to particular answers, in order to highlight the cases that require enhanced verification and also configure multiple questionnaires based on your own operations. o adapt the questionnaire to its own company operating processes.

Some examples of a very popular questionnaire model are the “Customer profiling questionnaire” to be carried out in the on-boarding phase of the relationship or the “Monitoring questionnaire” useful for the subsequent monitoring of the relationship itself.

Each questionnaire model has a unique code, a validity date and can be developed in several sections, called units, dedicated for example to different types of users such as the commercial user or the anti-money laundering user.

The application therefore allows you to create a simple analysis process or at different levels, each of which can be preparatory and / or blocking for customer profiling.


AML Profile features

  • Complete management: allows you to manage the entire life cycle of the questionnaire consisting of collection of the information, documentation and identification of the subject;
  • Accessibility of information from remote workstations: on peripheral workstations you do not need to configure any software or connection, but simply use Internet Explorer to connect, via the intranet or extranet, to the central server;
  • Logging of information processed: the application keeps a log of all data regarding the questions, answers and assessments, as well as all attachments;
  • Multi-institution and multi-type management: allows different institutes to be managed in a single server environment, helping to reduce hardware, systems and operating costs.
  • The User accesses the databases according to the ABI code specified when logging in to the product.


