SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

SIM: Bank of Italy guidance on reporting requirements for monetary policy purposes

The Bank of Italy has provided technical guidance for mandatory supervisory reporting under the IFD, IFR and CRR, for monetary policy purposes, for class 1 SIMs and branches of investment firms from EU countries referred to in Article 27(4a) of the TUF.

Class 1 SIMs and branches of investment firms of EU countries referred to in Article 27, point 4-bis of the TUF, operating in Italy, must transmit reports to the Bank of Italy by following:

  • To the instructions for compiling the entries;
  • To the system of coding variables;
  • To the reporting scheme specified in the technical annex.

Reports must be received by the 11th working day following the reference date.

This notice comes into effect on the day of its publication on the Bank of Italy’s website.

Consult the documentation:

Bank of Italy communication for SIM


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