SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

FIU: new newsletter for the SOS report in H1 2022

The UIF has published the latest issue of its newsletter with reference to its activities in H1 2022 and Suspicious Transaction Reports (SOS).

Its report shows that the UIF received 74,233 Suspicious Transaction Reports (SOS), up 5.9 percent respectively to the first half of 2021.

The data, the UIF points out, are in line with those recorded during the three-year period 2018-20 after the exceptional growth in 2021.

There were 72,658 SOSs examined in the six-month period identified, an increase of 5.6 percent.

The newsletters also show that in the first half of 2022, the UIF issued 19 suspicious transaction interruption orders, worth €3.4 million, and more than doubled the number of reports whose operations were carried out through the use of the web.

The inspections carried out on banks and financial intermediaries focused on the following areas:

  • Credit assignment;
  • Pledged loans;
  • Fintech.

During the six-month reporting period, the UIF points out, Legislative Decree No. 231 of 2007 was amended to consolidate regulations on the confidentiality of anti-money laundering information (L. 15/2022) and to regulate the exchange of information between the Authority and the Central Services of the State Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza to combat terrorism (L. 25/2022).

Consult the documentation:

Newsletter for the SOS report in H1 2022

Statistical annex


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