SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

Regulatory reporting for financial intermediaries

Our regulatory reporting service (VIP®) allows all financial companies listed in the Register of financial intermediaries listed in the Article 106 register according to the Legislative Decree 385/1993 (TUB), to fulfil the obligations imposed by the Bank of Italy for the Supervisory and Matrix reporting.

VIP regulatory reporting service features

  • systems feeding by:
    • SEFIN standard layout file
    • manual input
    • PUMA2 matrix formatted file
  • user file uploading and testing
  • balancing reports in Excel format
  • input data and output items cross-check
  • storage of the uploaded, intermediate and transmitted report items
  • correction and integration of the report items
  • revised report production

The regulatory reporting service can be easily embedded in the Central Credit Register service ERMES – for the monthly reports requested by the Bank Of Italy.