SEFIN Easy Banca d'Italia

EBI for Payment institutions and Electronic money institutions (EMIs)

Payment institutions are companies, other than banks and EMIs, which are authorized to provide payment services under Article 1, Paragraph 1, Letter b of Legislative Decree 11/2010.

Electronic money institutions – EMIs are companies other than banks that issue electronic money. They may also provide payment services under Article 1, Paragraph 1, Letter b) of Legislative Decree 11/2010. They may provide financing only in relation to payment services that are not connected with the issuance of electronic money.

SEFIN provides software, outsourcing services and consulting for the regulatory reporting of the payment Institutions and Electronic money institutions, in order to be complint with the Bank of Italy and the Revenue Agency regulations. Read below what we offer:



BCM allows a detailed analysis of portfolios thanks to the management of debt positions, of underlying lines of credit and of guarantees.


Document management solutions and EDI projects for exchanging business documents in the standard electronic format between business partners.


CONTACT US FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT EBI FOR Payment institutions and Electronic money institutions (EMIs)